Giant protest upon the reopening of the Ontario Legislature- Mon, Sept 25th
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
12 noon Monday, September 25, 2023
Toronto, Queen’s Park
For Northern Ontario where it is too far to travel in to Queen’s Park events will be held at: Thunder Bay, Mini-Queen’s Park 12 noon • Dryden, Outside MPP Greg Rickford’s office, 439 Government St, 11:30 am Dryden time •
Algoma, TBA 12 noon
Make a major show of strength to set the tone for the reopening of the Ontario Legislature.
We are not going away.
We are unalterably opposed to the privatization of our public hospitals.
We paid for them. We built them. They do not belong to the Ford government to run them into crisis,
gut their core services and privatize them.
We demand that the Ford government:
- Stop the privatization of our public hospitals
- Stop creating a crisis in our public hospitals by underfunding them, cutting and closing services, and trying to roll back wages of nurses, health professionals & support staff,
- Expand the use of existing ORs in our public hospitals, and
- Expand capacity in our public hospitals & restore closed services.
Note: The Ford government has chosen the date of the re-opening of the Legislature and it falls on Yom Kippur. We are working with our members in the Jewish community to mark this and make accommodations. We will share more details as they are organized.
Click here to SIGN UP to attend/get on buses
The Ford government will try to move forward and ignore the citizen-led referendum that we just built together. We cannot let them.
More than 400,000 people voted, and 99% of them votes against the privatization of our public hospitals’ core services. That is massive and unprecedented. It means 1 of every 30 Ontarians voted. It means almost everyone will know someone who voted. Opinion polls are showing upwards of 80% of Ontarians think the Ford government is doing a poor or very poor job on health care. Ontarians get it. As the Ontario Legislature re-opens in the fall, let’s make it visible and powerful. Let us build on our extraordinary achievements and make it impossible for the Ford government to carry on unchallenged.
Ultimately, it will be politically impossible for them to continue to privatize our public hospitals’ services against the will of the vast majority of Ontarians. Let us make that happen sooner than later because every service we lose is extremely hard to get back.
We are proud of the difference we make and we hope you are too. This work is only made possible by people who care like you. Please do become a member or donate. It matters!
If you can, please CLICK HERE to donate or become a member.
Ontario Health Coalition
15 Gervais Drive, Suite 201
Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8
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